10 Aug 2022

QA investments extended, interpretation still unclear

Minister of Education Robbert Dijkgraaf is planning to continue the investments from the student loans from 2025 onwards. He communicated this to the Tweede Kamer in a policy letter on 17 June 2022. The roughly €625 million per year will be structurally allocated to institutions through funding, also known as the 'lumpsum'. By doing this, the minister hopes to preserve the quality of education while offering the institutions clarity and the possibility of long(er) term investments.

By making the investments available through funding (lumpsum), institutions will no longer have to report externally. In the process up to and including 2024, three moments were established at which the plans and implementation were assessed by NVAO, the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organisation. In the policy letter, the minister does write that institutions will continue to use the funds to improve the quality of education. The involvement of the participation bodies will also be guaranteed. Exactly how this will be designed is still unknown. The minister indicated that he wanted to discuss this with the interest groups, including the Interstedelijk Studentenoverleg (ISO) and the National Student Union (LSVb).

Read the full policy letter here.